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Welcome to the team: Chanel

Helping to fuel Adapt's Journey of Growth and Impact

It is with immense pleasure and excitement that we officially welcome our newest team member, Chanel, who joins us as the Director of Development. In this pivotal role, Chanel will be steering our efforts towards forging partnerships, securing grants, and fostering sponsorships that will not only elevate Adapt's presence within the community but also propel our programs to new heights and ensure the flourishing of our scholarships.

We'll let Chanel tell you a little bit more about herself:

"My journey into physical therapy began at eight years old when I was blessed with a special needs sister who suffers from CTNNB1 syndrome which is a rare and complex neurological condition that severely impairs an individual's functional mobility and independence. I personally experienced how life can instantly change, as my sister was immediately defined with limitations. It was at that time that PT, as a career, was grounded in my heart. As I attended my sister’s frequent appointments, my sister’s physical therapy became my own, as I watched my sister transform from an essentially immobile child into one who took her first steps on her own. It was through this experience that I realized that sometimes situations can defy definitions.

I moved to San Diego in 2013 to pursue my education at SDSU where I received my Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Pre-Physical Therapy. In 2017, I moved to Valencia, Spain to work with the head Physical Therapist for the men’s Olympic handball team. I continued with my education to receive my Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the University of St. Augustine For Health Sciences in 2021.

In 2007, I co-founded the nonprofit organization, Baseball Buddies, which is an interactive program for physically and emotionally challenged children. Each player has a ‘buddy’ who assists them while playing baseball. This program created a team community and provided social support that established long-lasting relationships with participants, offering a gracious and fun environment for all. Baseball Buddies is now one of the largest existing programs for those with special needs in the Coachella Valley.

I chose to work for ADAPT to specialize in neuro and continue pursuing my passion to work with and give back to individuals who suffer from neurological disorders. It is my professional intention to help others defy definition."

Chanel's vision aligns seamlessly with Adapt's aspirations. As Director of Development, Chanel will be working diligently to establish partnerships that will amplify our impact, secure grants that will bolster our initiatives, and cultivate sponsorships that will sustain our growth. Her expertise, combined with her unwavering passion, will undoubtedly shape a future where Adapt's mission touches more lives than ever before.

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